ES 401 & 402 Requirements
Requirements for the Senior Colloquium in Environmental Studies

1. We strongly encourage attendance at the opening ES Internship Presentations that begin each semester.
2. Participants in ES401/402 are required to attend six of the scheduled presentations each semester. A minimum of three of these presentations each semester must be part of the Environmental Studies Evening Lecture series.
3. For each of the six presentations attended you must complete the ES 401/402 evaluation form. The forms are due by 5:00 PM the Friday immediately following the presentation. The summaries will be graded on a pass/no pass basis and will not be returned.
4. In addition, participants in ES401/402 must attend one of the final capstone course (ES 493/494) presentations in addition to their own (Fall semester) and at least two ES Honors Presentations given at the Colby Liberal Arts Symposium (Spring semester).
5. You must complete the ES Department Senior Survey.
6. Participants will receive one credit upon successfully completing both the fall and spring courses.
7. Students in this course will be involved in helping faculty to host speakers during their visits to Colby. Students will also be expected to take their turn in introducing guest speakers. When possible, small group dinners will be set up to provide informal opportunities for discussions of contemporary environmental issues with the speakers.