Green Campus
Our Green Campus
Environmental Advisory Group
Colby’s Environmental Advisory Group, or EAG, was formed in 2000 to advise the president and College community on issues related to the environmental stewardship of the campus and region. The EAG works to raise awareness about ongoing environmental initiatives, promote environmental consciousness, and address environmental concerns.
Carbon Neutrality
Colby’s pledge to become carbon neutral was achieved in 2013—two years ahead of its planned schedule. The College uses a mix of renewable energy sources and purchases carbon offsets in order to achieve net carbon neutrality, while continuing to innovate new ways to reduce our overall carbon footprint. During fall 2017, a 5,300-panel solar installation adjacent to Mayflower Hill began producing an expected 15 percent of Colby’s total electricity needs.
Green Development
Colby is a leader in green development among its peer institutions, with 16 LEED-certified spaces to date—and more planned. These spaces comprise approximately 368,000 square feet, which is 24 percent of Colby’s building area.